Access the Safe Formworker Digital Learning Platform to find out the latest courses and set yourself up for the new year.
Reap the benefits of becoming a Safe Formworker champion - Want to know the basics of specific Formwork related WHS? Enrol in the Safe Formworker Program and find out.
Developed in consultation with the formwork industry this program is a pathway for workers to receive micro credential learning on formwork specific WHS issues to increase awareness of formwork safety.
Delivered via a modern mobile learning experience, the Safe Formwork Program offers bite-sized mobile courses that your team actually enjoys, complete with gamification and real rewards built-in.
Essential for all formworkers, and a requirement on some Government infrastructure projects.
This easy to access micro credential learning program will be available to workers at toolbox talks, pre starts or in the shed and other times via mobile learning.
With video and image-based learning, along with gamification, it is hoped to re-engage workers in learning, tackle the language barriers and prepare workers for further learning, whilst covering the important aspects of formwork WHS issues and improving formwork safety awareness on site, so that workers can return home safely at the end of the working day.
More than just a training course ...
Access provides not only education on specific formwork skills and positive awareness of the industry risks, it provides each worker with their own individual access for 1 year, refresher courses, access to additional courses, a place to store their licences, white card and any other training certificates, making everyone's life a lot easier.
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