About National SafeWork Month.Safe Work Australia was established in 2008 to develop national policy and guidance for WHS and workers’ compensation. Since then, they've been running national campaigns to raise awareness about WHS in the Australian working community. Since Safe Work Australia’s inception, there has been a steady decline in the rate of work-related fatalities and workers’ compensation claims. However, we also know that work-related injury and disease cost the Australian community $61.8 billion in a year. There’s still work to be done. No industry should be unsafe to work in and no death or injury is acceptable. And, because the whole community bears the financial cost of poor WHS, we know that safe and healthy work benefits everyone. This is why, during October each year, we ask workers and employers across Australia to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians. Here are some relevant stats for NSW. This year's themeThe theme for this October’s National Safe Work Month is “A moment is all it takes.” While a safety incident can happen in a moment and in any workplace, a moment’s forethought can prevent harm. This year, commit to taking a safety moment every day in your workplace. This could be as simple as spending five minutes every morning talking with your team about the hazards and risks in your workplace, and how to prevent harm. Share your safety moment using #mysafetymoment. |