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9 Feb 2023 9:01 AM | Anonymous

One of the key benefits of joining a trade association is the ability to support the mission of the organization and possibly influence legislation that affects the industry. The combined resources of the members of an association can be used to lobby lawmakers and sway public opinion more positively towards the goals of the association. With the increased level of government regulation in the construction industry, this is an absolute necessity for the survival of all businesses in the formwork industry.

In the coming weeks you'll see a number of announcements in regard to the advocacy work the FIA undertakes on behalf of its membes and the industry. You'll also hear how we have formed partnerships with other Associations to advocate with a louder voice and add even more value. As an example look out for the announcement regarding the new Scaffolding Association of Australia and the Working At Heights Association, a partner of FIA's for a few years now.

Our members have common issues that impact nearly all businesses that operate within the formwork space—including different laws, regulations and policies that may prevent your business from growing to its full potential.

Chances are, while you’re running your business you don’t have time (or adequate resources) to advocate for legislation on behalf of your business.

Joining the FIA empowers you with representation by a group with the same interests, advocating for the formwork industries. Your business succeeds when your industry succeeds. Without the FIA you will have no one to advocate on your behalf and you will operate as a single voice.

By joining the FIA, you can become an active advocate for your industry and fight for what’s best for your business (or, at the very least, stay on top of what’s being advocated for on your behalf).

Looking to gain that competitive edge, be it your own formwork career, or by winning more profitable work? Then I encourage you to join today or, if you are already a member, encourage your peers and workers to join as a priority.


As we have indicated before, changes are coming, legislation is being formed and the way we work will change. There will be implications for your business, both positive and negative, and whilst COVID has kept us apart, the FIA Board and team have been advocating on your behalf at both Federal and State levels.

The future of major infrastructure investment presents many opportunities for our members, but with a formwork skills shortage and incident rates far too high there are many challenges ahead.

The FIA will continue to work with State and Federal Governments, as well as SafeWork NSW and other Safework departments, to advocate on your behalf for:

  • access to better safety education and training,
  • access to government funding to support your organisation and workers,
  • better regulation,
  • clearer WHS plans,
  • access to more business opportunities for our members, and
  • rewards for compliance.

Look out for updates and if you want to speak to us for more information do not hesitate to contact me.


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Tel : +61 401 326161

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Address :
PO Box 189
Mittagong | NSW 2575


The Formwork Industry Association (FIA) strives to continuously improve competence and safety across the Formwork industry by bringing the industry together for networking, advocacy and knowledge sharing to raise standards and minimise risk.


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