Join us at the 2023 Workplace Health & Safety Show Sydney and discover what’s new in the world of work health and safety.
Experience two days of industry-leading insights, thought-provoking sessions, and networking opportunities. Meet top leaders from the sector and discover hundreds of new products and innovations that can help you keep your workforce safe.
Don’t miss out on this unique chance to learn about the newest trends in WHS as well as learn more about the Safe Formworker Program and how collaboration with SafeWork NSW and other industry associations is changing the culture around safe work at height on Wednesday 20th.
Meet representatives from key organisations and associations ready to share their knowledge of working safely at height. How can you change the culture at your workplace? Bring your questions, ready for a robust discussion around this important topic.
We hope to see you there on the 20 September 2023 at Sydney Showground
Register FREE to attend.