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  • 18 Apr 2023 11:01 AM | Anonymous

    A tax update from our business and financial partner, HLB Mann Judd.

    There are a number of Tax Updates we need to share with you.

    Director ID Update

    A reminder that the application for a Director Identification Number is now overdue. If you are a director of a company and you have not already applied for a Director ID, then you should attend to this urgently.

    Directors who have not applied for a Director ID, may be subject to civil and criminal sanctions including criminal penalties of up to $13,200 and civil penalties of up to $1,100,000.

    Please ensure you have provided your HLB adviser of your Director ID number.

    Changes to NSW Foreign Surcharges

    Revenue NSW announced on 21 February 2023 that effective immediately, citizens of New Zealand, Finland, Germany and South Africa will no longer be required to pay surcharge purchaser duty or surcharge land tax (collectively referred to as “foreign surcharges”) on residential property or land held in their own capacity.

    If this affects you, please click here to read more.

    Significant Global Entities - take note!

    From 1 January 2023, the ATO has increased the failure to lodge penalties starting at $137,500 with a maximum of $687,500 per late lodgement over 5 months late. We have also noticed a change in the way they consider lodgement deferrals with much stricter consideration with many recent applications being denied.

    The ATO have also advised our team that they will be imposing SGE failure to lodge (FTL) penalties from January 2023 as they now have a dedicated FTL team actioning these whereas in the past, they may have issued warning letters.

    This is a reminder to ensure that your lodgements are on time and managed appropriately, noting that the penalties can apply to tax returns, activity statements, FBT, taxable payments annual reports, CbC reporting and financial statements just to name a few.

    March Tax Alert

    This Alert addresses:

    • Working from home expenses: new fixed rate;
    • Upcoming FBT related changes;
    • ATO targeting private not-for-profit schemes;
    • Outcomes of quality of financial advice review, and
    • Superannuation tax break changes.

    Download Tax Alert

    If you have any questions on any of the above please reach out to your HLB Adviser.

  • 18 Apr 2023 10:48 AM | Anonymous

     A 28-year-old worker was installing insulation batts on the third level of a residential construction site when he fell approximately three metres through a stair void to the concrete floor below. The worker sustained serious injuries. 


    Incident location - stair void 

    Safety information 

    Each year SafeWork NSW responds to incidents where workers have been killed or seriously injured from falls from heights. Many of these incidents involve falling from unprotected edges or through penetrations. 

    Workers in the construction industry are the most at risk of injuries from falling. However, working at height is a risk for any worker. 

    Businesses are reminded to consider reasonably practicable control measures to manage the risk of falls. 


    • a site-specific safe work method statement (SWMS) is prepared before work commences where the risk of falls is two metres or more 
    • all workers understand and follow the SWMS 
    • workers are provided with safe means to access and exit the work site, and work areas 
    • work is carried out on the ground where possible. If work cannot be conducted on the ground, minimise the risks of working from heights by: 
      • using scaffolding 
      • ensuring all edges are protected by handrail, guard rail, or other physical means that prevents a person from falling 
      • using an elevated work platform 
    • any scaffolding used at the site: 
      • is constructed on solid foundations 
      • is adequately tied to the supporting structure as well as all handrails, midrails and 
      • has securely installed planks 
    • all voids and penetrations have a clearly marked cover that is secured and can’t be dislodged (plywood that is marked and screwed into the ground is a cost-effective solution) 
    • large voids are protected by suitable fit-for-purpose void covers that accommodate safe access of handrails and scaffolds, or consider using temporary stairs 
    • adequate training and instruction are provided to all workers 
    • adequate supervision and assistance are provided to less experienced workers. 

    SafeWork NSW inspectors regularly blitz construction sites to check compliance and talk with businesses and workers about how to work safely at heights. Use this checklist to find out if your construction site is working at heights safely. 

    ‘Do work safety right, at any height’ campaign 

    One wrong step could be your last. 

    Visit the working safely at heights in construction web page to access a range of resources about how to work safely on roofs and around voids. 

    Related guidance material 

    View the latest incident information releases at 

  • 13 Apr 2023 1:03 PM | Anonymous

    Construction contractors, property developers, infrastructure investors, design consultancies, and other interested parties are invited to register their interest to hear more about the Garden Island Defence Precinct (GIDP) Program.

    The event will present a panel of industry representatives including representatives from the Department of Defence and the Royal Australian Navy to introduce this project and provide an overview of the $3.1 billion dollar upgrade to a range of facilities within the Garden Island Defence Precinct.

    Event details

    When: 2nd May 2023, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (breakfast served at 8am. Doors open at 7:45)

    Where: The Ivy Ballroom, Sydney, 320 George Street Sydney

    What: Industry opportunities briefing, interactive Q & A session, networking and breakfast included.

    Register at the GIDP Virtual Engagement Room

    Participants are invited to register for the event at the GIDP Virtual Engagement Room (see front page or visit the For Industry button by 26 April 2023.

    The Garden Island Defence Precinct (GIDP) Program is a critical estate renewal program that will sustain the facilities and infrastructure necessary to support Defence and the Royal Australian Navy. The Program will address a range of prioritised strategic infrastructure investment needs across the GIDP sites, including the Chowder Bay Naval Fuel Installation, Spectacle Island and Captain Cook Graving Dock to align with the 2045 Base Vision and capability requirements.

    Project Overview

    The Department of Defence is planning a redevelopment of the critical infrastructure and facilities on Garden Island Defence Precinct in Sydney Harbour. These redevelopment plans are necessary to strengthen Australia’s national Defence capability. The Garden Island Defence Precinct (GIDP) is an important operational support base for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and has enjoyed an extensive history within Sydney Harbour. The GIDP site is located directly north of Potts Point and approximately two kilometres from the Sydney Central Business District.

    Historically, Garden Island was an actual island in Sydney Harbour, and the base was extended to join the mainland of Potts Point for naval purposes. The ‘dry dock’ has sustained generations of naval ships.

    The current site is limited in capacity, with several buildings around the base dating back to the 1960s to 1980s. Given the limitations of the current base, the future project objectives established by the Commonwealth are for a faster, more productive, innovative, resilient, and sustainable infrastructure.

    The Project is at the earliest stages of visioning, master-planning and appreciation of the Project needs. With significant planning and design activities to occur, construction is expected to commence in 2026.

    In the meantime, please explore the Virtual Engagement Room to learn more about the Project.

  • 4 Apr 2023 3:13 PM | Anonymous

    The newly-opened Institute of Applied Technology at Meadowbank has just released three free microskill courses in construction as part of its rollout of innovative learning options.

    The three fully discounted courses are:

    • Introduction to Contract Administration in Construction
    • Introduction to Digital Skills in Construction
    • Introduction to Project Management in Construction

    Each course has one hour duration and is delivered online.

    To review the courses and also to see the updated FIA training pages follow the link below.


  • 4 Apr 2023 1:50 PM | Anonymous

    After extensive changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Fair Work Act) as part of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay amendments, the Federal Government has introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 (Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill).

    Read Full Article

  • 14 Mar 2023 10:05 AM | Anonymous

    Safe Work Australia recently released a new 10-year national strategy to reduce workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses in Australia.

    The Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2033 sets a national vision of safe and healthy work for all and provides a platform for delivering key work health and safety (WHS) improvements.

    The strategy was developed under Safe Work Australia’s tripartite governance processes and has been agreed upon by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and it represents a national commitment to work together to reduce worker fatalities, injuries and illnesses over the next decade.

    The strategy outlines targets to measure progress over the next 10 years, including reducing:

    • worker fatalities caused by traumatic injuries by 30 per cent
    • frequency rate of serious claims resulting in one or more weeks off work by 20 per cent
    • frequency rate of claims resulting in permanent impairment by 15 per cent
    • overall incidence of work-related injury or illness among workers to below 3.5 per cent
    • frequency rate of work-related respiratory disease by 20 per cent

    The strategy also has a target of no new cases of accelerated silicosis by 2033.

    Two proactive action targets of the strategy are to increase the awareness of PCBUs about their duty to protect workers from exposure to harmful substances, and to build the capability of PCBUs, regulators and workers to ensure compliance with the duty to manage psychosocial hazards at work.

    “Jurisdictions, industry groups, WHS researchers, experts, practitioners and workers all have a role to play in realising progress under the strategy,” said Safe Work Australia Chair, Joanne Farrell.

    “I invite everyone in the work health and safety system to play a part in realising the ambitious outcomes set by the Strategy.”

    Safe Work Australia Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Baxter, said that while data shows that fatal and serious injuries at work have declined over the last decade, Australian workers are still getting sick and injured, sometimes fatally, from work.

    “The Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2033 addresses ongoing and emerging challenges in work health and safety over the next decade, including managing psychosocial risks, the rise of artificial intelligence, automation and related technologies, and new types of work including gig work,” said Baxter.

  • 9 Feb 2023 9:01 AM | Anonymous

    One of the key benefits of joining a trade association is the ability to support the mission of the organization and possibly influence legislation that affects the industry. The combined resources of the members of an association can be used to lobby lawmakers and sway public opinion more positively towards the goals of the association. With the increased level of government regulation in the construction industry, this is an absolute necessity for the survival of all businesses in the formwork industry.

    In the coming weeks you'll see a number of announcements in regard to the advocacy work the FIA undertakes on behalf of its membes and the industry. You'll also hear how we have formed partnerships with other Associations to advocate with a louder voice and add even more value. As an example look out for the announcement regarding the new Scaffolding Association of Australia and the Working At Heights Association, a partner of FIA's for a few years now.

    Our members have common issues that impact nearly all businesses that operate within the formwork space—including different laws, regulations and policies that may prevent your business from growing to its full potential.

    Chances are, while you’re running your business you don’t have time (or adequate resources) to advocate for legislation on behalf of your business.

    Joining the FIA empowers you with representation by a group with the same interests, advocating for the formwork industries. Your business succeeds when your industry succeeds. Without the FIA you will have no one to advocate on your behalf and you will operate as a single voice.

    By joining the FIA, you can become an active advocate for your industry and fight for what’s best for your business (or, at the very least, stay on top of what’s being advocated for on your behalf).

    Looking to gain that competitive edge, be it your own formwork career, or by winning more profitable work? Then I encourage you to join today or, if you are already a member, encourage your peers and workers to join as a priority.


    As we have indicated before, changes are coming, legislation is being formed and the way we work will change. There will be implications for your business, both positive and negative, and whilst COVID has kept us apart, the FIA Board and team have been advocating on your behalf at both Federal and State levels.

    The future of major infrastructure investment presents many opportunities for our members, but with a formwork skills shortage and incident rates far too high there are many challenges ahead.

    The FIA will continue to work with State and Federal Governments, as well as SafeWork NSW and other Safework departments, to advocate on your behalf for:

    • access to better safety education and training,
    • access to government funding to support your organisation and workers,
    • better regulation,
    • clearer WHS plans,
    • access to more business opportunities for our members, and
    • rewards for compliance.

    Look out for updates and if you want to speak to us for more information do not hesitate to contact me.

  • 7 Feb 2023 12:41 PM | Anonymous

    Generic job sites will give you generic job seekers.

    But by advertising your opportunities on FIA media partner's site, will expand your candidate pool across the construction industry, giving you the best chance of finding a great applicant who is passionate about their industry.

    Inside Construction is powered by CareerOne, as advanced platform focused on matching companies with the right employees,

    To find your match today click the button below.

    Advertise Jobs

  • 3 Feb 2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous

    Kingston Reid Workplace Law Reform Resources.

    With some of the substantial reforms to workplace relations legislation already commencing in December 2022, let us help you stay ahead of the game with Kingston Reid’s Workplace Law Reform Resources page.

    The page provides the latest information on the reforms divided into four major areas: 
    1. Changes to enterprise bargaining (single employer and industry)
    2. Industrial action (strikes, lock outs and bargaining disputes)
    3. Respect@Work and the Fair Work Commission's sexual harassment jurisdiction
    4. Changes to individual employment arrangements
    Discover additional resources, such as our podcast series and webinar held in December 2022.  
    Please reach out to the Kingston Reid team if you would like our support in developing your strategies for managing the changes.  

  • 3 Feb 2023 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    NSW Government Women in Construction Industry Innovation Program Applications close 2pm on 15 March 2023

    An online information session for industry will be held 1pm on 8 February 2023
    Register here.

    Applications for the NSW Government Women in Construction Industry Innovation Program (IIP) are now open.

    The NSW Government has allocated up to $10 million for the IIP to support a range of innovative pilot industry-led initiatives to break down barriers preventing women from considering a career in construction and support the retention of women within the sector.

    Greater female representation across the construction industry will help to create a more inclusive, productive and diverse workforce, aim to address skill and labour shortages, and show future generations of women the range of career opportunities construction has to offer.

    The IIP will run from 2022-2025. Successful applicants will be eligible to receive grants between $30,000 and $300,000 in the first year of funding. The funding has been capped to $300,000 in the first year to maximise the benefit and diversity of the IIP across the industry and support a range of pilot projects across the construction sector supply chain.

    The NSW Government reserves the right to roll remaining funding from the first round of funding into future rounds.

    An online Information Session will be held at 1pm on Wednesday 8 February 2023 to provide an overview of the grant funding opportunity. Attendees will be able to ask questions about the program and application process. 

    Applications for funding close at 2pm on Wednesday 15 March 2023.

    Visit the Women in Construction website for resources including funding guidelines, eligibility criteria, frequently asked questions and contact information for support and advice.  
    Please direct all questions regarding the IIP to


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The Formwork Industry Association (FIA) strives to continuously improve competence and safety across the Formwork industry by bringing the industry together for networking, advocacy and knowledge sharing to raise standards and minimise risk.


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